
Quelques liens

Voila venu le temps des "daily tips" sur le sitoff du Marathon de New York :
Le premier concerne les dernières semaines d'entraînement, le second la nourriture.
A lire quotidiennement pour se plonger petit à petit dans l'ambiance !

A lire aussi pour se préparer au départ ce fil sur le forum "New York City Marathon" de Runner's World.
Quelques conseils à noter :

bring a plastic bag to sit on.

Also, wear WARM clothes at the start and then pack them in your bag, or use them as throw aways.

Drop your bag early.

The single most important piece of advice I can give is this:  get to your corral early----period

1. your own toilet paper, especially if you are in wave 3.
2. plastic bags to put over your shoes.  Even if it hasn't rained FW can get pretty muddy.

'd bring a few plastic bags...one to sit on, and if it's cold you'll appreciate being able to wear one (or two) of them. nothing keeps body heat in (and wind out) like plastic!
also, i'd recommend bringing reading material of some sort - you're there for a while!


Voir quelques photos prises dans les "villages" ici.

Photo vue ici

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