
New York Marathon's daily tips

Le Marathon de New York 2009 c'est dans 20 jours et 11 heures et 5 minutes et 10 secondes, non neuf, non huit, cela change tout le temps sur le site officiel ! C'est l'époque des "daily tips" pour se mettre dans l'ambiance et faire monter la pression :

Welcome -- and Congratulations "Take a deep breath. Four weeks from today, you'll wake up a marathoner."

What to Do Today Check Your Running Shoes, Don't run too much

Plan Your Taper (important ça, plan your taper) "If you have no idea what we're talking about, definitely read on".

Dealing with Injury " Most running injuries are helped by the elements of the acronym RICE: rest, ice, compression, and elevation"

Mental training "Can the mind, like the heart and the legs, be made stronger through training? Great coaches say yes."
"Watch the Movie : Run for Your Life is the story of Fred Lebow, the NYRR president and New York City Marathon founder and race director who created the world's biggest running event. The film touches the heart and soul of any runner."
J'adore les images de Fred Lebow devant la Manhattan skyline, qui ajuste sa casquette, souffle dans ses mains, et commence à courir...

Check out the daily tips !

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