
Armenia City in the Sky

Un signe ?
Au moment où je crée ce blog [Edit : blog supprimé depuis, à l'époque, le projet 2009 était "Chasse aux cols en Arménie, "back to the roots" pour Chouchou et Maya], je mets dans le lecteur de CD "The Who - Sell Out" qui commence par le morceau... "Armenia City in the Sky"

If you're troubled and you can't relax
Close your eyes and think of this
If the rumors floating in your head all turn to facts
Close your eyes and think of this

Armenia, city in the sky
Armenia, city in the sky

If you ever want to lose some time
Just take off, there's no risk
If you ever want to disappear
Just take off, and think of this

Armenia, city in the sky
Armenia, city in the sky

The sky is glass, the sea is brown
And everyone is upside-down

Armenia, city in the sky
Armenia, city in the sky

Freak out!
Freak out!

Artist(Band):The Who

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